Kulturdenkmal 4. Protestant municipal church (former Gustav-Adolf church)
Die Evangelische Stadtkirche (früher 'Gustav-Adolf-Kirche')
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Memorial plaque at the entrance:
"The oldest protestant town of the Palatinate Area, founded 1522 by Franz von Sickingen, Christian fraternal affection builts this church."

May 11th 1857appeal for segregation from the rectory Spesbach and foundation of an own vicarage
1861Purchase of a building site
July 28th 1862groundbreaking
October 7th 1863hanging of the bells 'Martin Luther', 'Gustav Adolf' and 'Franz von Sickingen'
October 22th 1863Induction
1865the church received an organ
August 1897installation of a church clock

Letzte Änderung am 04.07.2021